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Tutor Tip

Supporting Learners with Disabilities Beyond the Classroom

December 2022

Welcome to the final installment of our tutor tips series dedicated to accessibility and equity for disabled learners! 

This month, we want to address the reality that the support a literacy program can provide may not be enough to address all of learners’ needs. As teachers and tutors, we know that our adult learners may be navigating many challenges outside of class—healthcare, housing, financial wellness, and more—and those challenges don’t get left at the door when learners enter the classroom. If you see a learner struggling, here are a few steps you can take:

  1. Reach out to your program coordinator to learn more about the resources and partnerships they have developed in the local community.
  2. Consult Literacy Minnesota’s Learner Support Resources guide. 
  3. Contact Disability Hub, a hotline for disability resources and services. 

Although this particular tutor tips series has come to a close, the journey to more equitable, accessible and inclusive learning environments is never finished! We invite you to continue exploring this topic by: 

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