
ESL Tutor Pre-Service Training

    This training prepares volunteers to work with adult students who are learning English. It also prepares volunteers to tutor adult English language learners in math, citizenship, computers or job skills.



    After completing this training tutors will be able to...

    • Communicate with language learners.
    • Identify best practices for tutoring.
    • Respond to students' errors. 
    • Lead students in a practice activity.
    • Assist in a conversation or literacy lesson.



    Training participants who will be volunteering in the state of Minnesota pay a nominal $40 registration fee. Trainees who will not be volunteering their time or who will be teaching English outside of Minnesota pay $50.

    You'll receive a copy of the MLC Tutor Manual with background information, activity ideas, and sample lesson plans plus on-going access to in-service workshops and tutoring materials.

    The Minnesota Literacy Council is committed to creating and fostering an organizational culture that is welcoming and inclusive to all. If you need assistance paying the registration fee, waivers are available. Please contact Kelly Rynda at [email protected] or 651-251-9074 to request a fee waiver.


    Upon completion of this course, participants will:

    • Receive a 12-hour English Language Tutor certificate, which meets the standards of the Minnesota Department of Education
    • Be eligible to apply for any adult literacy volunteer position in the state of Minnesota


    CEUs are available.


    Is there an online version of the Pre-service Volunteer Training?

    The Minnesota Literacy Council provides a free, self-paced online course “Adult ESL Classroom Volunteer Training” that takes approximately two hours to complete.  There is no online version of the 12-Hour ESL Pre-service Tutor Training. The interactive nature of the workshop makes it very difficult to provide a quality version of this training online. By request live training is available for any Adult Basic Education program in Minnesota with a minimum of 10 participants, including a 9-hour version of the ESL Pre-Service Tutor Training.



    Kelly Rynda

    [email protected]



    Notes about upcoming trainings

    The training is 12 hours in total divided into three or four sessions. Attendance at all 12 hours is required for certification.