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Tutor Tip

Vocabulary Story Chain

August 2020

to give learners a chance to practice using vocabulary words

Preparation Time:  15 minutes

Materials Needed:  Paper for vocabulary word cards

Preparation:  Cut paper flash cards. Write a vocabulary word on each card. Choose words that students are fairly comfortable with.


  1. Give each student 4-6 vocabulary cards. You can have them pick the words randomly, or you can pass them out so that students get words at their individual levels.
  2. This is a variation of the "Story Starter" activity where you start a story and then  go around the group, each person adding a sentence to continue the story. In this version, the students will have to generate a sentence that continues the story AND uses one of the words on their cards.
  3. I Do It: Write several vocabulary words on the board. Model the activity by starting the story and then adding a sentence using a word from the board. Do another sentence with another word if the students need more modeling.

    We Do It: Ask if any students can think of a sentence to continue the story using one of the words on the board. If they struggle, choose a word and discuss a sentence that might work.

    You Do It: Once the students understand the activity, go around the group and have each student contribute a sentence using one of their vocabulary words. You can also ask students to raise their hands when they have a good sentence and then call on students who are ready.



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