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Tutor Tip

Translate Texts to Students Automatically with TalkingPoints

April 2024
Remote Teaching

As a result of the pandemic, the program you teach or volunteer in likely has some way of communicating with learners via text message. Your learning center or school may use Remind or WhatsApp to text learners, but have you heard about TalkingPoints yet? It has many of the same security features that Remind has, but it also automatically translates your text messages to your learners into as many as 150 languages!

Here are some features of TalkingPoints:

  • Individual teachers can sign up for a free account. Packages for districts are available for a fee.
  • Learners receive messages in their regular text messaging app. There is no need to download a new app.
  • Teachers can send messages from their mobile device or computer. 

These languages are supported by TalkingPoints:

  • Spanish
  • Somali
  • Hmong
  • Karen
  • Oromo
  • Amharic
  • Arabic
  • Vietnamese 
  • Ukrainian
  • Dari
  • Farsi
  • And more!

Here are a few pages of interest on the TalkingPoints website:

Keep in mind that TalkingPoints is designed for K-12 students, but it can certainly work for adult basic education learners. Whenever you read “families” or “parents” on the website, think of your adult learners instead.

For questions or comments about this tutor tip, contact Tutor Training Coordinator Meghan Boyle at [email protected].

An adult student looks at his phone and smiles with a large shelf of books in the background.

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