
Teacher Verification Model

Distance Learning

Teacher Verification Model

The Teacher Verification Model (TVM) is a new distance learning option for Minnesota ABE teachers and programs to count proxy hours for asynchronous lessons that have been verified by a TVM certified teacher. 

To be certified to use TVM, individuals must complete modules 1-6 of the new Distance and Blended Learning Basics for Minnesota Adult Education online course, OR the old online DL Basics course, plus modules 5 (MN ABE Distance Education Policy and Procedures) and 6 (TVM in Practice) in the new online course. They must also participate in an individual TVM coaching call or attend a TVM Certification Webinar. 

Image showing TVM Certification steps


Becoming Certified

Please open and read this document for complete details.

As of November 2023, TVM Certification Webinars can be requested by a program or consortium if there is a group of teachers/staff who would like to become certified together.
Please email the DL Team to request a webinar: [email protected]

From the Distance and Blended Learning Basics for Minnesota Adult Education online course. 

MN Adult Education Distance Learning Professional Development Requirements: 

  • Modules 1 through 5 are required for all Minnesota adult educators who want to offer distance learning and who have not previously completed DL 101 (a longer term, cohort-based PD offering) or DL Basics online (the precursor to this online course).
  • Modules 5 (MN ABE Distance Education Policy and Procedures) and 6 (TVM in Practice) comprise the required training for the new Teacher Verification Model that allows teachers to count proxy hours for distance lessons that are not part of an approved distance learning platform or course. Any teacher who wishes to count proxy hours through the TVM process by becoming TVM certified must complete both these modules and an individual TVM Coaching Call or a TVM Certification webinar.

Up to 12 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are available to teachers who complete all 6 modules. Modules 1- 4 are worth 1.5 CEUs; Module 5 is worth 1 CEU; Module 6 (TVM in Practice) is worth 5 CEUs. For TVM Certification, an additional 2 CEUs/TVM Certification will be issued after you participate in an individual TVM Coaching Call or attend a TVM Certification Webinar.


This is a really important question which is thoroughly addressed in the Distance and Blended Learning Basics for Minnesota Adult Education course, Module 6, Topic 1 (section 3: TVM Lesson or Homework?).

See also this helpful table, TVM vs. Homework

You do NOT need to submit your entire lesson plan or materials.

You do NOT need to have the lesson “approved” by the DL team (after you become TVM Certified).

If learners have multiple options for completing the same task (e.g., paper copy or online form), you only need to submit one TVM lesson.

You can use the TVM lesson as many times as you want; you don’t need to fill out the form each time you assign the lesson.


If the total number of proxy hours for the lesson remains the same, you do NOT need to resubmit it. 

If the proxy hours change, then Yes, you do need to resubmit it.


TVM Process From Start to Finish session recording from 4/22/22

Presenter: Mara Martinson, Minneapolis ABE
This presentation is designed to move you through one approach to the TVM process. This will include step-by-step instructions for planning, assigning, and providing feedback as well as methods for record keeping and minimizing work for future classes. Bring your questions and creativity for this interactive overview of TVM!

a) Look on your class summary page in SID.

b) Nope. You enter the proxy hours in a TVM-designated class in SID. See this SID support article for all the details.

a) YES, in order to be able to clearly associate the TVM proxy hours with the TVM certified teacher who assigned and verified completion of the lesson.

b) YES, having class-specific TVM proxy hour data would be beneficial both for the teacher and the program.

c) No, another staff member could enter the hours.(The teacher is still responsible for documenting the TVM lesson, proxy hours, and keeping records of student completion using the TVM lesson log.)

One class for attendance for synchronous (attendance/seat time) hours. One DL class for TVM proxy hours. If you’re also using an approved DL platform, like Moby Max, you could potentially have another class for those proxy hours, depending on how your program prefers to enter proxy hours. It could also be one class for all Moby Max hours for your program (for all hours from all classes that use MobyMax). That choice is left up to the program. 


a) Keep them somewhere! Your program needs to be able to find them in the case of an audit. Recommended: Save a digital version in a shared staff drive (Google, OneDrive, Dropbox, etc.

b) You can use the one-room schoolhouse version, or you can make your own. Be sure to include:

  • Student names and SID ID numbers
  • Title of lesson (as submitted in the Google form)
  • Date lesson was completed by the learner (or submitted to you)
  • Number of proxy hours (as submitted in the Google form)


If you have any questions or concerns about potential copyright issues in your TVM lessons that use published materials, here are a couple of resources you can access: 

NO. You will be using the “unit completion” model or method to award proxy hours to learners who complete your TVM lessons. This means that every learner who completes the lesson will earn the same number of proxy hours, regardless of the actual time spent. You’ll be estimating an “average” amount of time for each learner. Furthermore, no partial credit (i.e. partial proxy hours) can be awarded for TVM lessons. Either a learner has completed the entire lesson to the teacher’s verification and satisfaction and earned the assigned time, or the learner has not yet completed the lesson and has not yet earned any time for it. Learners are allowed to continue working on completing the TVM lesson activities and submit to the teacher as often as the teacher permits, of course.


Here you go! View the blank lesson plan template and/or download a copy here. If you don't want to or can't use Google docs, you can download it in any document format you want, just open the doc, then click File>Download. Or create a copy of the lesson plan template in your Google Drive here.


You need to do 6 things to receive your TVM CEUs: 

1) Read all topics and sections of Modules 5 & 6. 

2) Pass the quizzes. 

3) Submit your TVM lesson plan template and lesson materials/resources.

4) Participate in an individual TVM Coaching Call or fully attend a TVM Certification Webinar.

5) A TVM lesson reviewer must grade/approve your TVM lesson submission - they will contact you.

6) Complete the course evaluation. This is at the very end/bottom of the course. 

If you have done all these things, and if it’s been more than a week and you still haven’t received any TVM CEUs, please email the DL Team to let us know: [email protected]


See this TVM PD session recording titled, The TVM Process From Start to Finish (4/22/2022)