Spark. Transform. Mobilize.
Purpose: A fun way to review previously-learned vocabulary words. This is a great follow up activity after doing vocabulary cards.
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Materials Needed: Vocabulary words on cards, Die (or number cards), Response key.
- Write previously-learned words on index cards
- Create a chart with the following key:
1 - Define the word
2 - Use the word in a sentence
3 - Give a word that means the same (synonym)
4 - Give an word that means the opposite (antonym)
5 - Draw a picture for the word
6 - Act out the word
1) Have a student choose a random vocabulary word card from the pile.
2) Have them role the die.
3) Instruct them to read the chart and perform the task that matches the number rolled.
It is always a good idea to model the activity for the students and then do a couple as a full-group activity before you ask students to do it individually or in small groups.
Note: If students are uncomfortable with dice, you have make slips of papers with numbers 1-6 and have them draw a slip rather than rolling the die.