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Tutor Tip

Remember This?! Series: Citizenship ESL Instructional Support Kit

February 2022
One-to-One Tutoring

Welcome to a special series of tutor tips brought to you by Literacy Minnesota’s Educator Resources archive! Once a month, we’ll be sharing oldie but goodie resources that you may have forgotten about or you are hearing about for the first time.  

To get started, this month’s tip reminds us of the great series of Instructional Support Kits Andrea Echelberger created. Let’s begin with the Citizenship Kit as we have a couple of citizenship trainings coming up in the next several weeks. 

Kit Description

In order to successfully prepare for and pass the citizenship test, learners need to practice a wide variety of skills, including conversational English, interviewing, the 100 civics questions and reading and writing civics sentences. Many learners need more assistance than a teacher is able to provide in a citizenship class, especially in the last couple of months before their interview. The Citizenship Kit provides teachers and volunteer tutors with all of the materials that necessary to help learners prepare for all portions of the citizenship interview, as well as activity ideas to challenge learners and keep them engaged as they study one-on-one with a tutor. You can download a free copy of the kit here

Tutors should also download the N-400 Application for Naturalization to use with the activities in this kit.

Upcoming Citizenship Trainings:

How to Help Students Navigate the US Immigration System on Tuesday, March 15th from 6:30pm-8:30pm

Teaching Citizenship on Wednesday, April 27th from 10am to 12pm

Feedback or suggestions for this series? Contact Literacy Minnesota Tutor Training Coordinator, Meghan Boyle [email protected] 

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