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Reflecting on One’s Cultural Lens
In the previous installment of our series about culturally responsive teaching, you discovered how you may already be incorporating some culturally responsive practices into your work with learners. Additionally, you gained a deeper understanding of what culturally responsive teaching entails.
In each subsequent installment of this series, we will progress through the eight competencies of culturally responsive teaching outlined in New America’s culturally responsive teaching reflection guide, beginning with reflecting on one’s cultural lens. Educators who reflect on their own cultural lens, may do some of the following:
- Develop a keen awareness of the identities they belong to with regard to race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, sexual orientation, etc.
- Understand how those identities shape the way they view the world.
- Know that they hold unconscious biases and may engage in stereotyping and microaggressions.
- Seek out professional development, training and education to learn about and gain an appreciation for the histories and cultures of members of identities that are different from their own, with the goal of becoming culturally competent.
- Reflect continuously on and examine their thoughts and actions for evidence of unconscious bias.
Reflection can be done through journaling and group discussion. Here are a few questions to guide you:
- What are the identities that I hold?
- When did I become aware I was a member of this identity?
- How does being a part of this identity shape the way I think and see the world?
- How do I view others whose identities differ from my own?
- How do the differences in my identity and those of my learners influence how I interact with them?
So You’re an American? is a great resource for self-reflection on American culture, even for foreign-born tutors and teachers who have lived in the United States for a long time. Jimmie Heags's session, Culturally Responsive Practices for Diverse Adult Learners provides opportunities for self-reflection as well. It is available as a video recording and periodically as a live webinar. Check the events calendar for upcoming dates.
For questions or comments about this tutor tip, contact Tutor Training Coordinator, Meghan Boyle at [email protected]. Thank you to DEI Director, Brianne Carmichael, for her editing and suggestions.
Muniz, J. (2021). Culturally Responsive Teaching: A Reflection Guide. Washington DC; New America.
Photo by Mariana Blue: