
Strengthening Public Health and the Healthcare Workforce

Strengthening Public Health and the Healthcare Workforce

What U.S. Health Partners and Adult Basic Skills Programs Can Do Together


This 36-page guide (September 2019) presents why and how adult basic skills organizations can work with “health partners” (i.e., organizations supporting public health and healthcare career pathways) to enhance adult learners’ and adult basic skill programs’ use of healthy practices and to help adult learners move into healthcare career pathways. The guide provides examples of eight types of collaborations with links to organizations doing this work and an extensive annotated bibliography. This is one of a series of “Can-Do Guides” issued by the Open Door Collective. It was written and designed by Paul Jurmo with help from experts in adult basic skills development, public health, and healthcare career development.

View original publication



"Addressing Health Inequities: What Adult Educators and Health Partners Can Do Together" is the topic of a series of webinars conducted in 2020 and 2021 by members of the Open Door Collective and other adult education colleagues from around the U.S. (These webinars were hosted by the Institute for Health Advancement, Massachusetts Coalition for Adult Education, COABE, and ODC). See the attached master version of the PowerPoint presentation and a "Resources" handout. Paul Jurmo worked with Marcia Drew Hohn, Greg Smith, David Rosen, Janet Ohene-Frempong, Barbara Krol-Sinclair, Adriana Giraldo, and Betty McKiernan to design and implement these webinars. This webinar drew on ““Strengthening Public Health and the Healthcare Workforce: What U.S. Health Partners and Adult Basic Skills Programs Can Do Together,” the Can-Do Guide of the ODC Labor and Workforce Development Issues Group described above.

PowerPoint slides

Resource Page

Recording of webinar 


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