
New DL PD Course Offered

October 2022
  • Offerings include:
    • DL 101: Planning Your DL Program Strategy: Designed for teachers and administrators new to distance education, this intensive 8 month course combines face-to-face, online learning, and webinars to help teachers and managers build and implement a Distance Learning plan for your ABE site/program with support from experienced DL instructors and a cohort of your peers. The course begins in early November, and runs through April.
    • Building an EdTech Strategy Tooklit (the BEST) is designed to help you develop a strategic approach to designing and implementing edtech-based routines with your learners. It will begin January 30, 2023 and continue for 10-12 weeks.
    • HyFlex Community of Practice: Join Minnesota ABE colleagues for this series of informal meetings on Hyflex instruction this fall! Meetings will focus on sharing and building on our collective knowledge in this new instructional format that is growing in popularity. Open to all, no HyFlex experience necessary. This is an informal, facilitated group in which teachers share knowledge and experiences in teaching HyFlex classes. It will meet 3-4 p.m. October 13, November 17, and December 15.

More information is available here.