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New Custom Courses Available in Edmentum
Eight new custom courses are now available in Edmentum. These were developed by Paula Freiermuth through the DL Support Services grant, and are aligned for lower levels (CCRS Level A-B-C).
The new custom courses are: Skills -- Mechanics Level A/B; Grammar A; Skills -- Grammar B; Skills -- Reading Strategies B; Skills -- Reading Strategies C; Skills -- Vocabulary and Reading Practice B; Skills -- Whole Numbers; and Skills -- Fractions and Decimals.
To find the custom courses in Edmentum, first select the “Custom Courses” sort option at the top of the list. The new, lower level courses all start with the word “Skills.” The adult diploma courses all start with “ADP.” The supporting documentation outlines the units and lessons in each course and the CCR standard and level associated with it.
Also, to help make sense of all the titles, a spreadsheet was created that lists all of the Edmentum titles that fall under the “Plato Courses” category. Along with the course names, the academic area and CCRS level are listed. The courses have also been identified as those requiring Flash.
Supporting documentation for the Skills custom courses and the spreadsheet are available on this website in the Edmentum section on the state supported platforms page