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Literacy MN Asian American and Pacific Islander Solidarity Statement and Resources

March 2021

Literacy Minnesota stands in solidarity with the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community.

The recent murders in Atlanta brought a new level of horror and visibility to the recent uptick in anti-Asian violence in the United States. Hate crimes against Asian Americans rose by 150% in 2020, a trend fueled by disinformation around the COVID-19 pandemic; the former presidential administration’s racist rhetoric; and a long history of anti-Asian racism and U.S. imperialism in Asia, all stemming from a system of white supremacy.

Additionally, this act of white violence targeted Asian women specifically. The history of racism against Asian American women occurs at the intersection of gender, xenophobia and race and is based off of harmful tropes perpetuated by the media and society.

We want to recognize the racialized fear and trauma our AAPI colleagues, students and stakeholders may be experiencing in this moment. If you identify as AAPI or BIPOC (Black, Indigenous or a Person of Color), we encourage you to prioritize self care. Slow down or take time off, connect with your communities and do whatever helps you feel grounded.

As educators, citizens and lifelong learners, we at Literacy Minnesota recognize that we have a responsibility to combat disinformation; create safe and respectful learning environments for people of all backgrounds; learn and understand the historical context of these incidents; and stand in solidarity with our AAPI community members to fight anti-Asian racism.

Additional resources for learning about anti-Asian violence and how to take action:

Thank you for your commitment to working toward a more just and equitable society.

Be safe and be well,

Eric Nesheim, Executive Director

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash





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