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Tutor Tip

I do, We do, You do: An Instructional Framework for Success

August 2023
Teaching Techniques

When tutors introduce new activities, language or concepts, the goal is to shift the workload, responsibility or knowledge from the tutor to learners. This can be done in three simple steps: I do, We do, You do.

In the “I do” step, a modeling step, tutors are the ones acting or talking, and learners watch and listen. Here are some examples of “I do” steps that tutors do:

  • Pre-teach key vocabulary
  • Lead a discussion about the topic
  • Demonstrate how to use new language (grammar or vocabulary)
  • Demonstrate an activity

In the “We do” step, one learner or a small group of learners, and a tutor work together while all other learners observe. The tutor can provide corrective feedback or guidance that benefits the whole class. This is the beginning of the handoff to learners. See these examples:

  • Ask students for another example, or do another example together
  • Ask the students what steps they should follow for the activity
  • Demonstrate the activity with a learner/learners
  • When students try using the new language, give them hints and support
  • Elicit ideas from the students for what they might say or write 

In the “You do” step, learners work on their own with little teacher guidance, as in these examples:

  • Students do an activity individually, with a partner, or in small groups
  • Students choose what to say or write
  • Learners do a role play, a mini-presentation, or some writing

So, the next time you’re trying something new with learners, just think, “I do, We do, You do,” and chart a path to transfer knowledge and responsibility to them!

For questions or comments regarding this Tutor Tip, contact Meghan Boyle at

Photo by BOOM 💥: 

one hand hands off a baton to another person

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