Spark. Transform. Mobilize.
Family Literacy
Parenting Program. Equipping parents to navigate the school system.

Open Door Preschool. For children of adult learners at Open Door - Arlington Hills.
Engaging Parents and Educating Families
parents served
Parents gained knowledge about school expectations, how to make changes at schools, how parents can deal with stress and more.
of parents
Increased their knowledge of how to talk with teachers about their child.
of parents
Increased their knowledge of what school expects of them as parents and reported an increase in their knowledge of how to keep children healthy.
children served
Children enrolled in the Open Door Preschool made gains in letter names, letter sounds, rhyming, alliteration, picture naming and more.
of preschoolers
Who received a pre- and post-developmental checklist assessment made gains.
Given to parents and families.