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Tutor Tip

eBooks Minnesota: A Free Reading Resource for All Levels

October 2024


eBooks Minnesota is a free collection of thousands of ebooks spanning both fiction and non-fiction ready for use in adult education classes. Most titles come with unlimited simultaneous and permanent access, eliminating holds, wait times, checkout periods, and due dates. The collection includes a broad range of genres and topics, such as health resources from Mayo Clinic Press, history, Minnesota-focused content, graphic novels, award winners, and diverse titles in languages other than English (LOTE). 

Search the thousands of titles by reading grade level and topic. As an example, a search for 2nd grade reading level autobiographies produced books about the following famous people: Cesar Chavez, George Washington Carver, Neil Armstrong, Sojourner Truth and more. The LOTE collection is small, but here are a few titles of note: The Hen and the Badger (Karen), My First Arabic Phrases (Arabic) and Babaamaadiziwin (Ojibwe). Many books can be downloaded and have audio as well. 

For questions or comments about this Tutor Tip, contact Training Coordinator Meghan Boyle at [email protected].

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