Commercial – Purchase Required

  • offers hundreds of adult education and K-12 courses across many subject areas, including TABE math, GED and HiSET test preparation. Each course is divided into chapters. Each chapter typically includes multiple lessons, consisting of a video or reading and a short quiz.
  • Prerequisites: Recommended for Advanced ESL and ABE levels 4 and above.

     CASAS reading score: 221+ (Life and Work) or 228+ (STEPS)

     TABE 11/12 reading score: 536+

     Content could be used with learners at lower levels of reading/English proficiency with appropriate teacher support.

  • Unit completion model: One-half (0.5) proxy hour per lesson completed.
  • Criteria for awarding proxy hours: 70% or higher score on quiz; the learner must have watched or read the instructional content.
  • Proxy Hour Documentation: Download and save the Gradebook reports. Refer to this handout.

Literacy Level

228 and greater
TABE Score