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GogyUp Reader
GogyUp’s Literacy Support System (LSS) is a free literacy platform that provides in-the-moment, personalized reading assistance for any text: class readings, work instructions, etc. GogyUp provides adult learners with an “in-pocket tutor” they can instantly turn to for in-the-moment reading support for any text as well as long term instructional support
Available on tablets/smart phones: The GogyUp Reader is available free for all learners on mobile app stores for Android and iOS. A Web app is also available through the Chrome browser. See Educators may sign up for free accounts on GogyUp’s Learning Manager to follow student progress at or by emailing [email protected]
- Proxy Hour Equivalent/Criteria for Awarding Proxy Hours: Clocktime, as per timeout setting provided by publisher; GogyUp multplies the amount of clocktime recorded by 1.25, to account for teacher coordination with learner, and rounds to nearest quarter hour.
- Proxy Hour Documentation: Copies of student reports. See screencast for instructions.