State-Supported for MN Adult Ed.


Edmentum is a leading provider of online learning programs designed to drive student achievement for academic and career success.



Our Edmentum license includes two parts: Courseware and Exact Path. All staff should have access to both.

Courseware consists of pre-made courses for grades 6 and up. Content covers core academic subjects and career pathways. Courseware is generally recommended for learners with reading levels of ABE 2+ or ESL 4+. Teachers should preview content to ensure that it is appropriate for their context.

Exact Path provides diagnostic assessments and customized learning paths in math, reading, and language arts. It covers K-12 content standards in these subjects. Exact Path can be used by learners with reading levels of ABE 1-6 and ESL 3+, with some caveats. Elementary grade level content is usually presented in a simplified, “cartoon” interface that may be unappealing to adults. Exact Path is designed to teach skills in math, reading, and language arts; however, it is NOT designed specifically for English language acquisition.

  • Need an account??  To request a new Edmentum site & Program Administrator account under the MNABE license, please complete this brief online form.
  • Proxy Hours Equivalent/Criteria for Awarding Proxy Hours: Clocktime, as per timeout setting provided by publisher; multiply the amount of clocktime recorded by 1.25, to account for teacher coordination with learner, and round to nearest quarter hour.  It is recommended that you use the Proxy Hour Formula spreadsheet to calculate the additional 25% time to enter in SID.
  • Proxy Hour Documentation: Learner Daily Usage report for Courseware and Learning Path Progress report for Exact Path. Use the times under the column, "Total Time on Activities" or “Time on Task - Learning Path” (not "Total Time Logged" In or “Total Time on System”This handout provides detailed directions for accessing the reports.

Quick Handouts

Courseware: Getting Started

Courseware: Custom Courses and Flex Assignments

Exact Path

Administration and Proxy Hours

Additional Support

  • Extensive resources are available in the Courseware and Exact Path Help Centers. Look for the purple button in the top right corner after signing in.
  • Edmentum offers customer support 7:00 am to 6:00 pm CST at 800-447-5286 or [email protected]
  • For questions specific to MN ABE, contact Andrew Kappel, our Customer Success Manager, or the DL helpdesk.

Literacy Level

Greater than 221
TABE Score



State pays for licenses
