Commercial – Purchase Required

CareerSafe OSHA 10 training

CareerSafe OSHA 10 training requires a minimum of 10 hours fully engaged with ongoing assessment through several safety related topics. Platform provides topic related safety information along with associated assessment in specific vocation fields. It is low-cost, easily accessed verified training appropriate to college-level career training.

Prerequisites: Manufacturing (5.0) and Reading (6.0) or CASAS 236 - Reading Health (6.0) care (6.0)

  • Proxy Hour Equivalent/Criteria for Awarding Proxy Hours: Clocktime, as per timeout setting provided by publisher; multiply the amount of clocktime recorded by 1.25, to account for teacher coordination with learner, and round to nearest quarter hour.
  • Proxy Hour Documentation: Student records are available on platform website. Website allows instructor to view specific progress in each of the training modules along with time spent on-task and level progression. It also will recommend needed remediation as well as allow the instructor to reopen specific modules for remediation.

Literacy Level

Greater than 236
TABE Score



Per student, $25


Ron Fleischmann