Commercial – Purchase Required

Career Ready 101


  • ACT WorkKeys Curriculum is aligned with the updated WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate assessments. Courses available:
    • Applied Math: Builds the ability to apply mathematical principles to problems encountered in the workplace
    • Graphic Literacy: Builds the ability to find, analyze, and apply information presented in workplace graphics
    • Workplace Documents: Builds the ability to understand and apply written information presented in the workplace
  • Prerequisites: 6th Grade Reading of a 518 or higher on a TABE and 221 or higher on a CASAS for distance (independence); 4th Grade Reading of a 461 or higher on a TABE or 211 or higher on a CASAS for a hybrid (class and independence).
  • Web-based: Yes
  • Available on tablets/smart phones: Yes

Literacy Level

TABE Score



Cost ($2,845 per consortia, for a one-year license) paid by individual program.