Commercial – Purchase Required


  • BASE provides courses covering a wide variety of social and emotional learning (SEL) topics, including: Mindfulness, Motivation, Future Goals, Healthy Communication, Anxiety, Depression, Suicide Awareness and Prevention, LGBTQIA issues, Digital Citizenship and Safety, and Equity.
  • BASE courses have earned the “Promising” designation from the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) and are aligned to the CASEL Competencies and the U.S. Employability Skills Framework, which are similar to the Minnesota ACES-TIF standards.

  • BASE doesn't have an app. - it is a website.
  • BASE courses can be used in several ways:

    • Teachers can access professional development courses to learn more about teaching social and emotional skills.
    • Teachers can project an “instructional version” of most courses for use during synchronous online, in-person, or hybrid classes.
    • Learners can work through online courses individually and asynchronously. Time on task for these courses can be counted as distance learning proxy hours (as long as the learner is also enrolled in core ABE content, such as a literacy or math class).
  • Read this article to learn more about using BASE to support ACES-TIF standards.

  • Prerequisites:

    • Most of the courses were designed for students in grades 6-12 and use language that is approximately at grade level 6. Thus, the courses are probably most appropriate for independent use by high intermediate-advanced ELLs and fluent speakers of English.

      • Recommended CASAS reading score: 211+

      • Recommended TABE reading score: 501+

    • Content could be used with learners at lower levels of English proficiency with appropriate teacher support. Online modules include some translation and read aloud tools.

  • Proxy Hours Equivalent/Criteria for Awarding Proxy Hours: Clocktime, as per timeout setting provided by publisher; multiply the amount of clocktime recorded by 1.25, to account for teacher coordination with learner, and round to nearest quarter hour.
  • Proxy Hour Documentation: the Module Activity report, which can be found under the Activity tab. Download and save an electronic copy. The Proxy Hour Award Formula spreadsheet can be used to calculate the additional 25% time.
  • This handout provides step-by-step directions showing how to find and download the User Data Report.
  • BASE Overview & Updates for Minnesota Adult Education webinar recording, 4/25/2023
  • BASE resource Padlet from Kathy Hakes-Fastner of BASE Education
  • This handout provides step-by-step directions showing how to create and view learner accounts at your site.


Literacy Level

TABE Score



Paid by individual programs - see here for information
