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Citizenship Test 100 Questions: Tell Me About…
Purpose: If learners memorize the 100 questions by rote, they can become flustered if the interviewer varies the wording of the questions. This activity is a review technique for learners who have taken a citizenship class. Summarizing the information about the topics that are covered in the questions helps the learners to cement their knowledge of the background information and to build confidence.
Preparation Time: None
Materials Needed: None
- Select a subject or a person from the lists below.
- Ask the learner/s to tell you as much as they can about the topic. Prompt as needed.
- If the learner/s struggle to talk about a topic, encourage them to study up on it before you meet the next time.
“Tell me about the Civil War.” “Tell me about the American Flag.” “Tell me about Susan B. Anthony.”
Abraham Lincoln
Ben Franklin
Susan B. Anthony
Woodrow Wilson
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Thomas Jefferson
George Washington
Franklin Roosevelt
John Roberts
Nancy Pelosi
The President
Donald Trump
Supreme Court
Bill of Rights
Declaration of Independence
July 4th
American Flag
Executive Branch
Judicial Branch
Legislative Branch
Washington, D.C.
House of Representatives
Activity adapted from the Miami-Dade County Public Schools: Handbook for Citizenship Teachers