Spark. Transform. Mobilize.
Black History Month Reading Resources for Adult Learners
While ideally we are all integrating Black history into the history we teach in adult education classes every month of the year, sometimes Black History Month provides a good reminder to start this, or get back to it. However, a Google search for Black History Month resources produces an overwhelming list of content that is usually not well curated or organized, and it can be time-consuming to determine which items might be appropriate for adults. So, in this Tutor Tip, we’ll just look at what’s available on ReadWorks, a free site for digital or print reading content with accompanying vocabulary and comprehension exercises. Here are just a few suggestions for each English Language Learner (ELL) and Adult Education (AE) level.
Beginning ELL
Intermediate ELL
Advanced ELL / Intermediate Adult Education / Pre-GED
High School Equivalency / GED / HiSET
- Segregated Education
- Grandma’s Music
- Madam C.J. Walker: Beauty Culturist, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist
You will likely need to pre-teach some vocabulary and use pictures and videos to aid in comprehension in some cases. ReadWorks makes it easy to search its Black history collection by grade level, if you’d like to see what else they offer.
Read this previous Tutor Tip to learn more about ReadWorks and how to use it.
Teaching Black history is just one aspect of culturally responsive teaching. Check out tips from our series on culturally responsive teaching to learn more and improve your practice.
For questions or comments on this Tutor Tip, email Tutor Training Coordinator Meghan Boyle at [email protected].