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Tutor Tip

Attend a Community Iftar This Ramadan to Build Relationships with Muslim Learners

March 2024

If you have a large proportion of Muslim students in your program, you are likely aware that Islam’s holiest month of Ramadan has begun, and learners are fasting during the day and enjoying festive meals with family and friends in the evening. Community iftars are large gatherings where people come together to share a meal to break their fast during Ramadan. Many mosques and Islamic community centers invite the general public, including non-Muslims, to join iftars as a way to connect with the broader community.

In her book, Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain, Zaretta Hammond recommends building relationships with learners to help them feel safe, comfortable and connected so that they can learn better. One way she advises doing this is by creating a sense of familiarity with learners through encounters outside the classroom. Community iftars during Ramadan offer a wonderful opportunity to put this recommendation into practice. Some are free and some offer the opportunity to donate to a worthy cause through entrance fees. Here is a list of iftars and community events during Ramadan occurring around the state which was compiled by the Sahan Journal

Here are a few of note:

Council on American-Islamic Relations Minnesota Annual Iftar

  • Date and time: Sunday, March 24th at 5:00p.m.
  • Location: University of Minnesota Coffman Union Memorial Hall, 300 Washington Avenue Southeast, Minneapolis, MN 55455
  • Cost: Free, but RSVP 

Taking Heart Ramadan Interfaith Iftar, ongoing event across the state

  • Date and time: varies
  • Location: at various locations around Minnesota
  • Cost: Free, but register for the time and location you plan to attend
  • Islamic Resource Group Iftar
  • Date and time: Friday, March 29th at 6p.m.
  • Location: Roseville Skating Center, 2661 Civic Center Dr., St. Paul, MN 55113
  • Cost: $10

Find one near you and plan to attend! Read a past Tutor Tip, Ramadan Reminders for Adult Education Volunteers and Teachers, to refresh your memory on the significance of Ramadan. 

For questions, comments or feedback regarding this Tutor Tip, please contact Meghan Boyle, Tutor Training Coordinator, at [email protected].



a Muslim woman takes a selfie with a man with a meal and tea in the foreground

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